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Intergalactic Oath

Civility: polite remarks to others.
Citizenship: acting appropriately as a member of a group.
Tolerance:  fair treatment of people whose opinions and practices differ from your own.
Respect: having and showing a sense or worth for all citizens of the realm.
Dignity: acting in a way that shows you have respect for others and yourself.

Classroom Expectations
1. Listen and follow directions
2. Raise your hand to speak
3. Keep your hands to yourself, no rough play
4. You always start class and end class from your seats.
5. No one leaves class until the teacher dismisses class.
6. Keep an eye on the time. Be cleaned up and prepared to leave on time.
7. Please leave items on display or prepared for class alone.
9. Put everything but your pen, pencil and binder on the shelf when you walk in.
10. Electronic devices are only permitted when you have earned them as a special power.
11. Use the online calendar and Edmodo to keep up with the class when you are out..
12. If you have music lessons, please report to class before going to your lesson.
13. If you are going to be late to class, ask for a pass from the teacher.
14. The best time to use the restroom is at the beginning of class. background image

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